Our Therapies

School Readiness Programme for Preschoolers

The school readiness group in Singapore is designed to help your children, including preschoolers, to develop essential social skills, such as social interaction, emotional regulation, and basic task management, to bridge the gap in school life with confidence and competence.


While these behaviours can be concerning, enrolling your children in the school readiness programme may help provide the support they need. By addressing these behaviours early, you can give your children an optimum start in their educational journey, ensuring they are socially ready for school.

School Readiness Programme for Children’s Development Challenges

The school readiness group helps identifies and addresses developmental delays early, setting a strong foundation for academic success and personal growth. Our therapists will provide training for the following challenges:


  • Following Instructions and Routines: Difficulty in following simple instructions or routines
  • Socialisation and Play: Challenges in interacting or playing with other children
  • Group Participation: Hesitation or reluctance to participate in group activities
  • Self-Care Skills Development: Struggling with basic self-care tasks, like dressing or eating independently
  • Engagement in Educational Activities: Showing limited interest in age-appropriate educational activities
  • Communication of Needs and Emotions: Difficulty in expressing needs or emotions effectively

How to Develop Your Child Through School Readiness Programme

School readiness programme help children to prepare school by developing essential cognitive, emotional and social skills to support them navigate a mainstream school environement. Here’s how our therapist will help them:


  • Tailoring Learning Approaches: Identifying each child’s learning style and adapting strategies to meet their individual needs, making the learning process more accessible and enjoyable.
  • Enhancing Communication Skills: Offering exercises and activities that improve both verbal and non-verbal communication, crucial for classroom interaction and understanding instructions.
  • Building Emotional Resilience: Teaching coping strategies for managing emotions and stress, which are vital for adapting to the new challenges and dynamics of a school setting.
  • Fostering Social Skills: Facilitating group activities through our social skills for children group programme that is designed to encourage positive interactions with peers, sharing, taking turns, and developing empathy.
  • Strengthening Cognitive Abilities: Providing engaging activities to boost memory, attention, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills.
  • Encouraging Independence: Guiding children in self-care tasks and decision-making processes to promote independence and self-confidence.
  • Supporting Fine and Gross Motor Skills: Implementing exercises to enhance coordination and physical abilities, supporting classroom activities like writing, cutting, and sports.
  • Preparing for Classroom Routines: Simulating school day routines within therapy sessions to help children adjust to the structured environment of a classroom.
  • Engaging Parents in the Process: Offering resources and training for parents to continue support and reinforcement of skills at home.

Learning Outcomes

  • Attending skills, such as sitting, looking, waiting, listening
  • The ability to listen and follow instructions
  • Self-regulation and tolerance
  • A willingness to learn
  • Patience
  • The ability to understand and follow group instructions
  • Awareness and caring for personal belongings
  • The ability to adapt to and following school routines
  • Independence in task performance
  • Basic money handling skills
  • Personal hygiene
  • Effective problem-solving skills
  • Social interest and awareness
  • Communication abilities
  • Conversational skills
  • The ability to understand and express emotions
  • The ability to recognise and imitate social cues
  • Learning from peers and developing play skills
  • Foundations in reading and writing
  • Comprehension skills
  • Basic numeracy and mathematical concepts

Experienced and Qualified Therapists in Singapore

Finding the right therapist who aligns with your values, skills and experience is crucial for both your and your child’s success. A therapist is not merely a professional providing a service, but a trusted partner in your parenting journey.


At Cornerstone Therapy, we meticulously select our team based on their character traits, years of relevant experience, commitment to family empowerment, and knowledge in intervention approaches to build Self-Regulation, Organisation and Motivation (ROM). 


The ROM Theory is the cornerstone of our therapy because we prioritise ensuring that your kid is regulated, organised and motivated during therapy. This ensures that the child will be actively engaged in the activities specially designed for them. This active engagement is how we achieve meaningful progress in speech, communication, and social skills, whether it’s through school readiness programme, educational therapy, occupational therapy or other therapeutic forms. 


By building and developing these skills, children can then apply them to real-world environments more effectively, enabling them to interact with others more successfully, and embrace a broader array of learning opportunities. These are the outcomes that our educational therapists strive to achieve.

Our Facility in Singapore

Location: 20 Sin Ming Lane Midview City

#03-66 Singapore 573968

Our Testimonials

List of School Readiness Group Programme in Singapore

A group programme suitable for three to five children or adolescents that focuses on helping them develop and improve their skills in social interactions, communication, and emotional understanding. It is semi-structured with movement games, role-playing, simple cooking activities, and discussions across 10 sessions. Ongoing evaluation and progress monitoring ensure your children’s development is tracked, and adjustments are made where necessary.

Reading, Comprehension, and Writing go together. The Handwriting & Literacy Group is an intensive and systematic intervention aimed at improving your children’s handwriting skills (placement, spacing, letter size, pressure control, stamina) while using handwriting as a means of written expression. It is structured across 20 sessions and often in conjunction with individual therapy.


If your child is still learning letter formation, establishing a pencil grip, and building a basic receptive language vocabulary, it is advisable for them to undergo individual therapy first.

It is a group programme for young children ages four to six, preparing to enter and succeed in formal education settings. This is a group that all young children love! They get to learn classroom behaviour skills – asking for help, navigating the environment, using money, getting ready for arrival and dismissal routines, queueing up, waiting for one’s turn, making clarifications, remaining with the group, initiating and completing tasks, and last but not least, engage in social games with rules, through carefully designed fun activities, supported by our loving teachers.
Children and adolescents with learning differences need a non-judgemental space to enjoy leisure and play. Engaging in leisure and play is an experience that is relaxing, self-affirming, and based purely on one’s interest to explore and express. This group programme is highly recommended for children experiencing challenges in making choices, winning-losing, accepting feedback, problem-solving, managing anxiety and frustration, and exploring leisure interests other than screentime entertainment.
Many children with autism experience difficulties in various aspects of eating, such as food selectivity, limited food preferences, sensory sensitivities, oral motor coordination issues, and repetitive behaviours around mealtime. This group programme aims to improve the overall variety and quality of your child’s diet, increase acceptance of new foods, develop appropriate feeding skills, and reduce any negative behaviours or anxieties associated with eating, in a social setting with other children. This group therapy is conducted by professional Occupational and Speech Therapists.
Many children and adolescents who are neuro-diverse have retained primitive reflexes that impact their sitting (on the floor and chair), standing, and balance. This may lead to restlessness, resulting in them leaning on furniture, lying on the floor, or always on the move. Over time, they may develop rounded backs, hunched shoulders, inward rotated knees, hips that tilt backwards, and tight hamstrings. All these can potentially cause tension and discomfort in the neck, shoulders, upper and lower back, knees, and the back of the thighs, which ultimately affect flexibility, alertness, speed of motor execution and performance. This group therapy, conducted by a professional Occupational Therapist using structured exercises over 10 sessions, is suitable for children in mainstream primary and secondary schools.
Some children may display socially inappropriate self-regulatory behaviours, such as thumb-sucking, plucking out eyelashes or hair strands, holding onto one’s private part, chair rocking, talking excessively, touching peers, shouting, hitting, despite having average to above average intelligence and communicative skills. Some seek certain specific sensory-based inputs, while others may avoid those inputs. No matter if your child is a seeker or avoider, the myriad of sensory stimuli in a busy school environment may affect their ability to sustain concentration or enjoy social interactions. This group programme, conducted by a professional Occupational Therapist with sensory integration training, is suitable for children in mainstream primary and secondary schools, where they learn socially appropriate sensory-based strategies.