Our Story

Why We Founded Cornerstone?

Parenting a child who learns differently is a journey that requires a long-term vision, wisdom, tenacity, discipline, intentional effort, systematic planning, patience, and grace. It is not a small endeavour from the moment you realised that your child requires intervention. We know from our careers in private clinics, special schools, early intervention centres, and primary schools, that parents often feel lost and overwhelmed.


We founded Cornerstone because we believe we can be a valuable Partner in your endeavour.


We know that parents often struggle with having to constantly adjust their approach. What works for one developmental stage may not work for another as the child experiences physical, cognitive, and emotional changes through different developmental stages, each with its own set of challenges, from infancy to adolescence. It is not easy for you to understand and respond to your child’s unique characteristics, temperament, personality, and needs, and you are constantly finding the right balance between being firm and being nurturing.      


We know that external pressures and societal expectations do not make the journey any easier. There is a constant influx of advice, opinions, and judgments from relatives, friends, people with good intentions, and the many professionals you will meet along the way. Navigating these influences and staying true to your own parenting values can be challenging.


Despite the challenges, we truly believe, from the bottom of our hearts, that parenting also brings immense joy, fulfilment, and growth. It is a continuous learning process that will allow you to develop strong bonds with your child and shape his or her future. All of these takes up lots of time, effort and energy. It is imperative that you find a team whom you trust to support you. We know what works and what does not, what can be done and what cannot, how much must be done and yet, a balance must be struck.


We hope that you will experience empowerment, support, care, and hope, from the team here at Cornerstone. Thank you for entrusting your child to us and including us in this journey.